FAQ - Answers to your questions about nutritional information, ingredient lists, e-labels and elabels4wine

Topic Overview

You can find answers to your questions here.

Note: The information compiled here on e-labels and related topics is based on the official information from the sources listed below below and has been compiled to the best of our knowledge and belief. However, it should be noted that this information is for general guidance only and does not constitute and does not constitute legal advice, which we are not authorized to provide. While we always endeavor to provide accurate and up-to-date information, we cannot guarantee that it is complete, up-to-date or legally completeness, timeliness or legal accuracy. We always recommend consult qualified experts on specific legal issues, a qualified lawyer or specialized legal advice.

Background information on the E-Label, the nutritional value table and the ingredients list

What is behind the e-label for wine and wine products?

Since December 8, 2023, according to EU Regulation 2021/2117 (https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/DE/ALL/?uri=CELEX%3A32021R2117) on the labels of wine and wine products traded in countries of the European Union the nutritional values and ingredients must also be be listed. This has long been the case for many other foods (take a look on the labels of products in the supermarket) and will soon also apply to wine. This serves to inform and educate consumers and is, in our opinion perfectly acceptable and sensible.
The nutritional values and ingredients do not necessarily have to be printed on the bottle label; the EU also allows the information to be provided in the form of a so-called e-label: the label label is then simply a QR code (plus a small amount of information that is still required, see below) that can be scanned using a smartphone. A website containing the relevant information is then displayed. There are certain rules must be observed.
The use of e-labels has many advantages for producers and importers.

To which products does the regulation apply?

The regulation applies to wine, wine products and aromatized wine products which are "produced" after 8.12.2023, i.e. in any case for vintages from 2024 onwards. Wines that were produced before 08.12.2023 may be marketed until the stocks are used up. be placed on the market until stocks are used up.
In its latest Q&A (https://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/C/2023/1190/oj?fbclid=IwAR2hWZb1ofA53vNdgi8Z9QRUo62kw4zZ1INZosH0k1HfhKLdpKfTIMPCKRY), the EU Commission clarified the question of when a wine is considered "produced" is considered "produced". At this point, please refer to the explanations provided by the German Winegrowers' Association in its latest factsheet under the point "When is a wine "produced"?" on page 3, where you can find detailed explanations: https://deutscher-weinbauverband.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/DWV-Factsheet-Zutaten-Naehrwert-E-Label_V.7.pdf.
Quote: "For wine from the 2023 vintage, this means that, apart from ice wine, it is exempt from the from the labeling obligation." This does not apply, for example, to sparkling wines and semi-sparkling wines with added carbon dioxide!
Use the definition of "produced" given in the documents to check whether your wine, sparkling wine or aromatized wine product already falls under the new regulation.

Can I use an e-label?

Yes, the EU allows the use of an e-label instead of printing the nutritional nutritional table and list of ingredients on bottle labels.

What information must be printed on the bottle label if I use an use an e-label?

If an e-label is used, the following information must still be be printed on the bottle label must still be printed on the bottle label: Allergens, calorific value in kj/kcal and, of course, the QR code that leads to the e-label. to the e-label. This QR code must include a note such as "Nutritional values/ingredients" be provided.

Who should use an e-label?

The use of e-labels makes sense for producers who do not want to clutter up their bottle labels with unsightly nutritional value tables and long lists of ingredients (quote from a winemaker (quote from a winemaker: "We've been using our labels for 50 years, there's certainly no need to put a nutritional nutritional table on it"), or who do not use a back label and therefore have no space for this possibly extensive information.
Producers who already print their bottle labels, even though the wine is not quite ready yet, can use an e-label. is not quite ready, can use an e-label to adapt the data afterwards. With data that is printed on the printed on the label.
In particular, producers who export their wines to other EU countries should also use use e-labels because consumers can read e-labels in their own language. A big advantage for consumers and a plus point in sales.

Why can't I display advertising on the e-label? What can I do?

E-labels may only display information that serves to inform consumers and not for the marketing of the producer. Therefore, no marketing-specific information may appear here. From our point of view, you should also be very strict and not display any information that goes beyond what is necessary. beyond what is necessary.
For marketing purposes, it is better to use our 2-QR-Codes-Strategie!

On what basis is the creation of the nutrition table, the list of ingredients and the e-labels based? and the e-labels in your company?

All information is taken to the best of our knowledge and belief from the relevant EU regulations. These include the basic act or Regulation (EU) 2021/2117 (https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/DE/ALL/?uri=CELEX%3A32021R2117), the complete list of possible wine ingredients in EU Regulation 2019/934 (https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A02019R0934-20220208#tocId20), the "DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) .../... OF THE COMMISSION of 30.5.2023 amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/33" (https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=PI_COM:C(2023)3257), information on allergens (https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/de/TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A32019R0033) as well as the statements of the DLR (Dienstleistungszentren Ländlicher Raum Rheinland-Pfalz, in particular Mr. Schandelmaier) on this topic (https://www.vitipendium.de/Zutaten_und_N%C3%A4hrwertangaben), and the fact sheets and webinars of the German Winegrowers' Association (DWV, https://deutscher-weinbauverband.de, https://deutscher-weinbauverband.de/praktischer-leitfaden-zur-erstellung-von-naehrwerttabellen-und-zutatenverzeichnissen-auf-weinetiketten/, https://deutscher-weinbauverband.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/DWV-Factsheet-Zutaten-Naehrwert-E-Label_V.7.pdf).

Which conversion factor kj to kcal is used?

In the publications on nutritional information and e-labels you will find many different conversion factors used there. are used there. If you take a look at the topic on Wikipedia, for example, you will find the "Unit of thermal energy for calorific values of foodstuffs according to the International Table" (https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalorie), which results in the following conversion factor: 1 kcal = 4.1868 kj. We use this factor. It is also used, for example, by Wein.plus (https://glossar.wein.plus/naehrwert, https://magazin.wein.plus/faq/wein-und-gesundheit/was-hat-mehr-kalorien-bier-oder-wein).

What about wine imported into the European Union?

This wine is also subject to the new regulations and must bear the food information either on the bottle label or on the e-label. must be included.

E-label creation and management

How do I create an e-label with your platform?

Register on our website free of charge and without obligation. Confirm your e-mail address and activate your user account. Then simply follow our wizard to create e-labels, dynamic QR codes or QR code reservations. It will tell you exactly what you need to do.
If you want to create an e-label, first import your wine data or enter it manually. Only a little data is required. Then select "Create e-label", select the wine for which you want to create an e-label and click "Save". and click on "Save". The e-label is created and all the information information you need to communicate with your label printer, for example, will be displayed. You can also download it as a PDF and send it directly to the send it directly to the print shop using another function.

As a Winitas customer, how can I enter my data and generate e-labels?

Link your user account with your Winitas account by entering your Winitas FTP access data. Then import your wine data with a click and you can generate e-labels and other generate e-labels and other QR codes for your wines.
You can update your wine data at any time with a click from Winitas; your associated e-labels will then be updated automatically.

As a Winestro customer, how can I enter my data and generate e-labels?

Link your user account with your Winestro account by entering your so-called API credentials. If you do not have one yet, you can from Winestro (for a fee if necessary). You can then import your wine data with a click and can then use it for your generate e-labels and other QR codes for your wines.
You can update your wine data at any time with a click from Winestro; your associated e-labels will then be updated automatically. In addition, your wine data and therefore also your e-labels are automatically updated every night.

As a Die-Weingut-Website.de customer, how can I enter my data and generate e-labels?

As a customer of Die-Weingut-Website.de, you can easily create e-labels in your your user area of Die-Weingut-Website.de; you do not need a new account for this in the e-label platform.

What if I use a different wine management software?

Simply ask us whether we can offer a data import service. Let us know which software you use and we will contact the manufacturer. If no data import is possible, or while an interface is still being developed, use the manual input option for your wine data.

Can I change the data of an e-label after it has been created?

Of course. That's one thing that makes the e-label so valuable to you: In case of errors, for example, you don't need to reprint a label, but simply change the e-label data.

What about the QR code when I change my data?

The QR code remains unchanged. The QR code does not contain the data of the e-label, but the Internet address, the so-called URL of the website on which the data is data is displayed. And this internet address does not change if you change the data.

Can I freely design the appearance of my e-label?

No, not at the moment. But our recommendation is: Don't waste time with such thoughts. We therefore currently offer a simple, reduced design that focuses on the pure on the pure presentation of food information. This way you don't run risk of turning the e-label into a marketing website, because that's not what the e-label should be. the e-label should not be. Instead, use our 2-QR-Codes-Strategie and create a second QR code with a marketing website behind it, where you can let off steam in every design and functionality. We can help you with this!

To what extent can I influence the display of the e-label?

You can specify whether and how you want to include an imprint and/or a privacy policy and whether you want to display further information in addition to the mandatory information (e.g. the name of the wine). An input option is available for this data. available. We will expand these options if desired.

How are the e-labels translated into the respective languages?

We have taken the translations of the terms for ingredients and allergens from the official EU regulations, which are available in all official EU languages (well, almost all, sometimes Gaelic/Irish is missing). All other terms or texts (including those on this website) are translated using the AI DeepL, probably the best translation engine currently available.

Do I need to manually translate information into other languages myself?

No, all entries are automatically translated as described above, you do not need to translate anything yourself. However, if you notice any incorrect translations contact us immediately so that we can check this and correct it if necessary. and correct it if necessary.

Can I display the Italian disposal instructions on my e-label?

E-labels are there for the presentation of pure food information. Disposal instructions and recycling rules are currently not required on an e-label. Should this be the case one day, we will of course add this information.

Can I also delete an e-label again?

Of course. But then it's gone. You have to keep e-labels as long as someone needs or could need the information. Presumably for a very long time. An exact duration is currently not specified.

Why do I have to include an imprint and privacy policy on the e-label?

The e-label is ultimately a website, and every website needs an imprint and a data protection information, which must always be accessible from this must always be accessible with one click.

Nutritional and ingredient information in web stores and in price lists and other ordering options

Does the regulation also apply to web stores?

Yes, your customer must be able to check the nutritional values and ingredients in your webshop before buying. ingredients before buying. With our platform, you automatically receive the right information for each e-label the right information for your online store and can easily display it there using a display it there via a Javascript interface! And without duplicate data maintenance!

Does the regulation also apply to price lists?

Yes, if your price list is linked to an ordering option, i.e. if it is more or less an order form. Wherever the customer can make a purchase, they must be able to find out about nutritional values and ingredients. ingredients. Use our QR codes for your order slips or the generated, condensed nutritional values and ingredient lists and ingredient lists that you automatically receive from us with every e-label!

Why should I no longer use wine lists with the option of ordering by phone or e-mail, but only wine lists with a link to the web store?

There are several reasons for this. On the one hand, ordering in the webshop saves you the tedious and error-prone manual transfer of an order to your wine management program. transferring an order to your wine management program.
Orders via the webshop save you a lot of time, as the order is immediately transferred to your wine management program such as Winestro or Winitas. You only need to pack and ship the box.
You can also use special promotions in the webshop to encourage consumers to order more wine, order more wine.
And very important: As you also have to comply with the legal provisions on food information in the webshop food information and display the nutritional values, ingredients etc. there anyway, you no longer need to print this information on the order form! But please note: This is only possible if there is no other ordering option on the label other than the link to the webshop. Then you can e.g. behind each wine the QR code to the corresponding wine information page on your homepage or webshop. Or you can print just a single QR code on the entire wine list QR code that leads to your webshop, for example, or to a special promotion page. With our dynamic QR codes, you can keep the purpose of the QR code completely flexible!

E-labels under your own web domain

Why does it make sense to provide e-labels under my own web domain?

Imagine the following scenario: Suppose you are using your print shop's e-label solution. From now on you have QR codes from this print shop on your labels on all your bottles. These QR codes must work as long as the wine is on the market, maybe longer, maybe until the last drop of the wine has been drunk. the last drop of the wine has been drunk. So probably many, many years.
If the collaboration with your print shop should end at some point (for example, because it ceases operations or you want to switch to work with another another), you will have the following problem: the QR codes on your bottles will no longer no longer work. This causes major problems because you no longer fulfill your legal obligations and can result in high costs and a lot of effort.
You can avoid this by managing your e-labels under your own domain right from the start. right from the start. Because you have this under control! So you can keep your e-labels available for as long as long as necessary.

QR codes

What is a QR code?

A QR code is a graphic that contains encoded information. This information can be read using a QR code scanner (an app on a smartphone). be read out.
In the case of an e-label, the QR code contains the internet address, i.e. the so-called URL of the website on which the associated food information can be found.

Why are QR codes so useful?

QR codes are eye-catching and now very well known. Everyone knows that usually conceals a website that can be accessed directly by scanning the code. directly by scanning the code. And that's what makes the QR code so helpful: a user doesn't have to type in a long URL, but can go directly to the linked website by scanning the code. directly to the linked website.

Are your QR codes dynamic QR codes?

Yes. You can create three types of QR codes at elabels4wine:

(1) QR code for an e-label that you create in elabels4wine.de: This QR code always points to the website of the associated e-label. You can change the content of the e-label at any time. You can also link the QR code to another e-label if a mistake is made when printing the label. This QR code is therefore dynamic.

(2) QR code for marketing activities or external e-labels: You can change at any time, which website should be called up by this QR code. This is the typical dynamic QR code.

(3) QR code without intended use: This allows you to reserve the code and the associated Internet address for the time being and later choose whether an e-label or another website (e.g. for website (e.g. for marketing) should be linked to this code. Also dynamic.

Can I customize my QR code with a fancy, individual design?

There is currently nothing to be said against it, but our recommendation according to our 2-QR-Codes-Strategie is: design the QR code for the e-label soberly and sober and simple, and rather design the second QR code, which is intended to draw the consumer to your marketing website inviting and interesting. Provided it matches the design of your bottle labels. It's best to ask your designer about this.

Can I also have the QR codes with a logo?

The terms QR code and e-label are sometimes used interchangeably, hence the following answer:

(1) When referring to the QR code that is printed on the bottle label: Theoretically, you can position an icon in the center of the QR code. You can take the Internet address of the e-label and use a suitable tool on the Internet to generate such a QR code. We ourselves currently offer QR codes without a logo/icon without a logo/icon. However, we regularly expand the range of functions.

(2) A QR code ultimately only represents a unique Internet address, which is linked to the QR code. There are many tools on the Internet that help you to generate a Internet address to create a QR code according to your wishes. Just make sure that you unwanted tracking, because the tool may insert its own website in between. in between. You must not use such a tool; the internet address of the QR code must not be changed by the tool!

(3) If you are referring to the e-label website that is called up by the QR code: If you wish, we can provide a template for your e-labels (for an individual surcharge) that contains your logo. that contains your logo. However, we would like to point out that a logo may is already marketing. And marketing elements are not permitted on e-labels. At the moment we offer a lean e-label template that focuses on the essential information.

Why should I print two QR codes on my label?

If you use an e-label for your wine, you must print the corresponding QR code on your label. label. This will encourage some consumers to scan the QR code. to scan the QR code. However, they will only see information that you are legally obliged to provide.
If the consumer is already willing to scan a QR code to see nutritional values, then they are also curious enough to scan a second QR code on the label. They want to know what's behind it. And this is your chance to use marketing activities to win consumers as existing customers. See our information on our 2-QR-Codes-Strategie.

What is the 2-QR codes strategy?

In addition to the QR code for the e-label, print another QR code on your label, which takes the consumer to a website where you can market your product. At least your homepage, but preferably a special website, e.g. with current promotions, or your webshop. There are no limits to your imagination. We support you with ideas and their implementation!
You can change the website behind the second QR code at any time. change it at any time. For example, you can place your homepage behind it by default. behind it. And if you have promotions, you can change the URL behind the QR code so that the promotional website is then called up. Important: The QR code remains unchanged, you only change the URL. Huge advantage for you: Your previously so inflexible label is suddenly an active advertising space that you can play with! Just try out different things! We'll help you!

Can I have and print a QR code for an e-label even now, even though I don't have any data yet?

Of course. Either you already create an e-label and fill it with and change the data when you have the real ones. Or you can use our "QR code reservation" feature and save a URL and thus also a QR code a QR code that you can print on your label. As soon as you have the data, you can turn the QR code reservation into an e-label!

Why is an e-label QR code also useful for order lists?

The new food information must also be provided on labels and lists that consumers can use to consumers can use to place an order with you. You can now write the relevant data such as calorific value, nutritional values, ingredients and allergens under each wine, ingredients and allergens. In the event of errors or if values change you must have the labels and lists reprinted. This results in unnecessary costs and effort. If you print the e-label QR code instead, you can benefit from the same advantages as with your benefit from the advantages of e-labels, just like with your bottle labels.

About this platform

What does this platform do?

Our platform is a complete e-label and QR code solution, that not only makes it easy for you to create and manage e-labels. It also helps you with helpful ideas ideas and useful features to get you and your winery out of this legally from this mandatory legal situation and solve problems. In particular, you can provide your e-labels under your own e-label and QR code domain even e-labels from third-party providers. And you can do this in a way that allows you to change the third-party provider too, without running into problems because QR codes on your bottle labels may no longer work! no longer work!
You can find the complete range of functions of elalbels4wine in our Leistungsbeschreibung.

What added value does your e-label platform offer compared to other solutions?

We think ahead and beyond the mandatory program. For example, we can offer you features such as the provision of your e-labels under your own domain and our nutritional value table and ingredient list generator as well as ideas and strategies such as our 2-QR-Codes-Strategie that you can use to get the best out of this situation. get the best out of this situation for you.

What makes your e-label platform so valuable to me?

Our platform is under constant development. We will support you with further features so that QR codes and e-labels bring you even more real benefits.

I already have my e-labels with another provider. Why do I still need your solution?

Make these e-labels available under your own web domain. This has many advantages, and you retain permanent control over your e-labels. Use our platform and interfaces for this!
For example, you can easily change your e-label provider at any time. There may be several reasons why you want to change your e-label provider. However, if the QR codes of this provider are on your bottle labels, you can either either not switch or, in the worst case, your e-labels will no longer be there. Which is not good.
With our platform, you can simply change the URLs behind the e-label QR code. Change the provider, create new e-labels there with new new URLs and simply attach these URLs to the QR codes of the corresponding wines. That way you won't have any problems.

If I no longer want to use your e-labels but those of another supplier can I simply switch?

You can convert your e-labels into a dynamic QR code and then enter the Internet address of the e-label of your new provider. This way, the consumer who scans your existing QR code will then see the new e-label.

What happens to my e-labels if your service is discontinued?

No one can see into the future, so this question is very justified - and important. And precisely in the event that an e-label provider should possibly discontinue its service, we have created the possibility for you to our e-labels or those of other providers directly under your own e-label domain! directly under your own e-label domain! With our interface this is easily possible. If your chosen third-party provider is no longer available, you can simply replace the e-labels behind the QR codes without having to generate new QR codes and reprinting bottle labels. With our special system this is possible. And if we should actually discontinue our service ourselves service, rest assured that you will receive all the files and websites for your e-labels from us from us so that you can simply continue to operate them under your domain!

Are your e-labels legally compliant?

Our e-labels platform as well as the generated nutritional value tables, ingredient lists and e-labels are based on the publicly presented information and assessments (see the sources mentioned in this FAQ) and are created to the best of our knowledge and belief. We follow the developments and adapt our platform where necessary. You can regenerate existing e-labels at any time and adapt them to any new regulations without incurring any further costs. costs.
There are currently no judicial decisions, only assessments and legal assessments and legal recommendations.
If you are unsure whether you want to start using our e-labels, show them to a legal expert. to a legal expert. We recommend that you do this anyway, because as the distributor of your wine, you are responsible for the content of the e-labels, in particular for the legal imprint and the privacy policy.

E-labels display

Are my e-labels easily accessible on the Internet?

Even very good. They are created as small websites that are easy to access even with low are easily accessible even with low bandwidth. They are created separately from the system with which you create the e-labels in order to minimize the risk of failure.

Are my e-labels fail-safe?

Websites are never one hundred percent fail-safe. But with our strategy of separate systems and small files, we ensure that the probability of an outage of a failure, e.g. when updating the system for recording e-label data, is close to zero. is close to 0. However, a short-term outage can theoretically still happen, as we use our provider's servers, over which we have no influence. And the information on the Internet runs via many nodes, where something can always go wrong. can go wrong.

Which hosting provider do we use and where is the web server located?

We use Domainfactory as our provider in the background; the web server is located in Cologne.


What is tracking?

Tracking generally refers to the identification and storage of information information associated with a consumer's visit to a website. This may include, for example, the country from which the consumer accessed the website.

Are consumers tracked when they scan an e-label?

No, it is not permitted to collect user data. We play it safe here and do not store any data when we do not store anything ourselves when a consumer accesses an e-label (not taking into account any logging at web server level by the hosting provider). But what do you want with such information? It won't do you any good anyway. It's better to concentrate on tracking the successes through our 2-QR-Codes-Strategie where tracking is permitted within the framework of data protection regulations.

How do you ensure that no user data is collected when an e-label is retrieved via a QR code? no user data is collected?

The websites that display the e-labels do not contain any functionalities that carry out any identification, tracking or storage of user data.


How much does it cost to take advantage of your e-label platform?

Please take a look at our Preisliste.

What is the notice period?

You can cancel at any time at the end of your contract term: For monthly term (i.e. monthly payment) at the end of the current month, for an annual term (i.e. annual payment) at the end of the 12-month period.
Your e-labels expire one month after the end of the contract term. So you have you have some time to transfer your data if necessary.

How can I cancel?

We are currently working on providing you with a termination at the touch of a button. Until then, just send us an e-mail.

The content of this website has been automatically translated from German with DeepL (www.deepl.com).